— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I am truly surprised by the dissatisfaction of this rapist. He, therefore, destroyed and destroyed the lives, the future of many people and their loved ones, and decided that after sitting down he paid for everything? Everyone around me is so bad, but unpunished, and I’m out and still the worst of all? Are you really stupid? People who throw away other people will one day get theirs too. Hypocrites and others will one day face the same treatment, but already in their own direction. Selling mint will be sold by friends, and the hideous man will burn a house or a car. Or do you think these sales fools have beautiful families? There are bugs, there are bugs and they live at home. And you walk on this earth as long as you can, shit, and suffer! See how your family is tormented for your sins and suffer from your powerlessness. Torment as you tormented other people who could not help their daughter after you, the fool, and your fucking friends! I hope you will live a very long and very unhappy life and die alone. Everyone gets their merit, sooner or later. On their own, or through their children and grandchildren.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna