— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I add :

Was Turing not tried or subjected to hormonal castration? In what do you see more freedom, smart man, in the choice given to him between prison and castration?
The desire of homosexuals to associate a high level of intelligence with the desire to get in the ass is not very new. As a result, every nearby pedestrian immediately concludes that his sexual aspirations automatically raise his level of intelligence. You seem to have avoided that too, and I congratulate you.

= the =
I add :
A good half of the great people were subjected to some sins (drug addiction, alcoholism, paranoia... homosexuality). Some were also schizophrenic. But this only means that we are all human and nobody is perfect. And it is not that being a drug addict / alcache / psychic / peder is normal / good. When you say that Turing was gay, you can still tolerate him – he was a great man. But the peder who covers his name is just a peder.

The crowd greedfully reads confessions, notes, etc., because in its wickedness they rejoice in the humiliation of the high, in the weaknesses of the mighty. When she discovers every ugliness, she is in admiration. He’s small like us, he’s ugly like us! Lie, fools: he is small and ugly — not like you — otherwise..."
A.S. Pushkin P.A. Vyazemsky November 1825

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna