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The first in the series of artistic discoveries of Alphonse Allé was a completely black and almost square canvas �The Battle of Negroes in the Cave in the Deep Night� (1882), originally displayed in a golden frame by his temporary companion and colleague, humorist writer, author of waterlists, Paul Bijo. Without stopping on the achieved success, a year later (at the second exhibition �The Binded Arts�), Allet exhibited a virgin white sheet of Bristol paper entitled �First Communion of Chlorothic-blind Girls in the Snow Age� (1883).[4]:p.XXI Another year later, the next painting by Alphonse Allé was perceived as a kind of �colour explosion. The rectangular landscape �Culture of tomato harvest on the shore of the Red Sea by apoplexic cardinals� represented a bright red one-color painting without the slightest signs of image (1884).

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna