— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Plan of Sale
I have had a few stories here about our native banks and what they produce in them. I continue.

So.... bank (as always: system-forming and other...) I ended their card of immediate issuance (these are the payments and interest on the balance for the households do not charge, for the service too do not take anything). Apparently no trouble, when received, they immediately warned that these short-term-temporary cards will come out the same, but with the chip and those exchanged without problems. I sent a SMS that it was time to replace it. has arrived. They are ready to replace, but... supposedly a series of these cards have been removed and replaced with another, and the same service will now cost 300 rubles. In the year: “Sign here...”

The price is not too high (it is worth paying for a lifetime). Compare with other banks. Started somewhat from their own website (intuition, probably). It turns out, all over Russia these cards are, only in our department... the bank for some reason "finished".

I went a second time. Do you know what employees gave me from different angles? “Why are you attached to us? Every time you have one problem... Do you want us to be here because of such intricacies as you have not fulfilled the plan to sell paid plastic cards Visa and MasterCard and have not received the premium? And what you are in the whole room, it was necessary to say quietly, we would only replace you...” Immediately the phrase of Soviet times recalled: “(you don’t want the children of the seller to suffer? And, at the same time, the husband, grandmother and, most importantly, the pocket?) »

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna