— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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5) To prove that you are not a "destroyer" and not a "drug addict" the hot heads of one with you orientation offer to hold "parades", as in Europe with Americans.
6) Google at the request of photographs from those "parades" publishes photographs of some frics - men in women's underwear or with pitches on top, women with naked breasts, unclear sex creatures pulled into the skin, chains and with phalloimitators coming out of their mouths...
Idiots are gay too. Approximately the same frequency as normal. But you can always see in the first place is the idiots - bright, dumb. You still judge all Russians by the participants of the Russian marches, Ukrainians - by the Maidaws, ecologists by the greenlist, and women by the utkogubim solarium chickens-grills.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna