— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My colleague told me a story today. They recently rebuilt, a two-story house, a large plot, to neighbors far away, a bathroom, and the fence has not yet been surrounded, so the bathroom on the hanging castle is closed; from her face it will be more funny: "We went with my husband to the bathroom, my husband from heavy duty - zombies look better, soon washed and left, and I stayed, washed up, got in a shirt, put on the shirt and went out to the basement. But here is the figure: the man on the machine hanged the castle, Ales the coat. I first knocked, then rattled and knocked my legs. Tired as a dog, and it is too late, and I come to know that my husband has cut off, small looking on cartoons, the son in headphones - and the children will go to bed in the rooms, so they would check if I am home. I wavered for another 20 minutes, and suddenly I hear the castle open – a slightly surprised husband said, “Oh, what are you here?” I went out to check if everything was in place". Fuck, he went out to check out! A little longer and I would be a widow.

I am lucky to eat wine at the restaurant for lunch. The children of Ruth"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna