— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Funny Theory at Durt: *strongly shortened*
There is such a thing as the Schwarzschild radius, it is the gravitational radius. It depends on the mass of the object. A body whose radius is less than its gravitational radius is called a black hole. We take any object, we compare the gravitational radius with the size of the object. If the gravity is greater, the object is a black hole. If the size of an object is larger, then there is no black hole in front of us.
The gravitational radius can be calculated for any object, for example, for the Earth it is the order without a small centimeter This means that if you bored the Earth to the size of a chestnut, it will turn into a black hole!
Let us now take our visible universe as an example. This is a small (according to universal standards) area of space, the center of which falls exactly on your carrier. For definitions and reasons why the size of the visible universe is considered to be exactly that, I send you to Wikipedia. So here. From Wikipedia we take an estimate of the radius of the observed universe: 46-47 billion light years. This is about 4.4 × 10^26 meters. From Wolfram Alpha we take an estimate of its mass: 3.4 × 10^54 kg. It turns out that the gravitational radius of the visible universe is estimated to be 5.032×10^27 meters. That is, the gravitational radius of the visible universe precisely covers its geometric radius.
We live in a black hole!
In the female hell, all men are gay. In man, by the way, too.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna