— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Well, if a man is so proud of the native name Kakashin-Properdyunko, that he will begin to push the rights because of the unwillingness of his wife to change her surname Sheremetyev for the subject of his pride, and still considers it principally obliged and children to poison school years (he at one time tortured, nephig and children to lick) - then with such to link life strenuously and without looking at the name. An apparent tendency to inadequacy and tyranny will find a lot of ways out.

Not to mention the fact that a loving person considers marriage with the object of love for his own happiness, and does not cheer and does not consider the fact of the presence of a man in someone's life (well, or wives, although in the opposite ratio this is less common) the highest favor on his part.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna