— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Pulling out of the finger:

>If the consolidation of the TS was trusted (for example), then it will also fit with iodine / peroxide.
And in the notebook can still write the time of death, right?
Do you re-write all of them in the same notebook? Or still a normal pharmacy box to do, with the necessary medications and instructions?

What a strategic approach. Could it be easier?
You can record:
10 rubles in my pocket.
- go to the pharmacy and buy on them peroxide, greens and nasopharynx;
Put them in the pharmacy.
To calm down and do something useful.

In the pharmacy comes a beautiful girl in a nork coat. The pharmacist asks:
Did you want something?
In response, the girl takes off her coat, under which there is no other clothes at all - and says:
I have not seen a man for a month.
I know, I know, take these eye drops.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna