— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A huge mistake of many people is the attempt to smear their own experience on all of humanity. All families are very different. Only among my relatives and acquaintances I know families where:
- Housework is done together, and cases when the wife is cooking dinner, and the husband next to the banks with preservation is normal.
- Where really everything is pulled by the wife, and the husband is not that at home does not work, but also trying to beat her drunk. I do not understand why she lives with him.
- Where the husband does everything because the wife is tired, does not want and at all "no you what is hard". I don’t know why my husband doesn’t understand it. Probably sex is too bad.
- Where the wife does a lot of housework, but the husband actually does two jobs. Money is lacking because. At the same time, he does work on the farm, such as repairing a couch or water crane. They can also communicate with children.
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Everyone has a different idea of home. Someone will spend two hours a day scattering the apartment to shine, and someone 15 minutes will be enough - dust to squeeze and wipe out. Someone rattles over the plate for three hours, also running for foods, and someone prepares on the principle of "simple, fast, useful". Someone even takes the child to the toilet by the pen and to school - under the convoy to the 10th grade, and someone intervenes only in difficult situations. As a result, some have enough time for everything, while others have a total parking lot and everything falls out of their hands.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna