— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ]
XX: The oldest classy today calls me: "On Saturday there will be a city holiday in honor of the family, there and there, your family we have nominated from the school as a positive large family, and you are invited to the parade and in full composition". And he adds: "Come down, please, or I will be blasphemed". And most importantly: "And take the spade with you!":shock: :D I wonder what a holiday is that?! to
Choose to:
October 1 - Day of the Elderly
October 1 - Day of Music
October 4 - Day of GO and CS
October 5 – Teacher’s Day
October 5 - Day of Criminal Investigation
6 October (1st Monday of October) - World Doctor's Day
10 October - Day of Mental Health
XX: the journey invited us to the last :D as patients

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna