— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I remembered the women’s hobbies.
Married, soon became pregnant, pregnancy was hard with toxicosis and hospitals, gave birth to a twin, children about six months, I have one dream to sleep in silence, because if at home someone is heart disease and sits with children, sending me to sleep, then I still can't sleep, listen to every whisper.
And here my faithful decides to make me have fun - he calls to the movie. I understand only one thing, that once the lights are turned off, I will cut myself off, and so I refuse.
What he insulted:
I thought you were an educated and interesting girl, and you have no interests in life.
of fasepalme.

A loving adult husband would order the children to be gathered, put them in a wheelchair and walk out in the evening for 2 hours, giving his wife to sleep, because he knows that a grateful resting wife will provide him with all sorts of bonuses at the very "I don't want." In your family there are three children.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna