— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It is good to live who has a banker neighbor.

Good in the homeland
It smells like shit and shit.”

Ten years ago, I and my neighbors were mocked... in the real sense. The neighboring poultry factory decided not to squeeze with the chicken butt and began to roll it out to the neighboring field. The fragrance filled the surroundings. Billions of flies were fertilizing and multiplying. The butterflies from overfeeding could no longer fly and their walk resembled pregnant grandmothers. The frogs were equal in size to the cats and walked at night with a thick solid bass.The stacks of frogs that ate off left, and not flew south.The frogs dropped the highest pilot and moved in the take-off mode, rushing to the flight. The whole nature rejoiced.
We, who accompanied the inhabitants of the village, were a mosquito-filled protest minority.
It is with shame to admit that at first we naively annoyed the authorities with clauses, forgetting the main rule of this country - "Rush-Rush".
The authorities did not react without humor.
The smelly peasants from the spring called the commission, and shouted, and - a miracle! She has arrived!
to the baptism.
And honestly recorded the undeniable fact that no flies were found at -20 Celsius. Fuck them, fuck them, fuck them. They talk.
Here, you understand, the people of chickens grow, the people feed, and these anti-chickens curl their nose. The smell of it, you know, not that!
And fall into the city, smell the spirits, what do you clean up in the village to do!

I had withheld from my last strength the calls for criminal prosecution. At night, I dreamed of road mining schemes and fire cards.
The demons were constantly trying to catch me. For example, an experienced beetle, grimmed under a deceitful drunk man for a long time persuaded to change the anti-tank mine TM-57 for a bubble.
I refrained from buying.
I did not want to go under Article 205 (Terrorism). Especially for breaking the shit.
It is a pity to drive. The deaf man smelled me painfully, and here on the sufferer even the fecal guerrilla organizes the assembly.
Saved from the purchase in time popped up in the memory.

Yaroslavl boys, thieves
The man was fucking offended.

Help came from where we did not expect. Banker Semen divorced his wife and moved to live in his previously empty mansion.
The flies, not understanding the numbers, sat on a millionaire. Senna was amazed. came to me.
Max is healthy.
The Seed of Stepanic.
and yours. I have a question for you. The National.
I stumble in advance.
You didn’t get a passport, right?
Why suddenly?
Why are these executions Egyptian? There, like the flies were placed on the ground of Kemt for not raising your shlagbaum at the border on time. I thought, and the frogs.
Well yes. If there is no water in the crane. No, Semen, we have nothing to do with it.
And who to?
The cockroaches are shameful.
Explain the thought.
What to explain here? You see the truck?
and well.
Well, he’s fucking out of the poultry factory to that field of luck. Dozens of people ride here every day. The questions?
Oh you are! And long ago?
Yes from last year.
M is. Do you want to slander?
You will not regret going. I am bored alone.
And we went!

Senya spoke to someone on the phone for 5 minutes, then called two security cars, we spit in his Maybach and the cavalcade touched. As it turned out, not far away.
The guard stopped the fucking car, the bodyguard swunged the driver to the right and sat behind the wheel.
The procession began in a new composition. I got out of the hood.
and Senya:
What are you breaking?
It’s the first time I’ve seen a member and a fucker in the same company. Even under guard. Full of Sur.
Where are we going, by the way?
in the guests.
to whom?
The owner of the chicken.
Are we not imprisoned?
Let me cut off his egg personally.

We go to the cottage village. The guard broke, but did not interfere.
Go to the 4th floor building. The self-driving unfolds and drops the content directly onto the upper gates. Yeshua is! This is the smell! It is in Maybach.
I silently applauded. and worthy.
Senna is little. Melting and clamping his nose with a cloth, he approaches the fucking pyramid and throws some white paper from the top.
We have gone!
Would I dare to know what you left there?
The visit card. We ask for mercy.
very strongly!

The next day bulldozers appeared in the field and buried the cacao birds in the tranche for a week.
Since then, we have been quiet, to hunger, to the grace of God. Only the hungry birds whisper and with tears remember the former abundance.
and Amen.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna