— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I often have the feeling that the phone is ringing. And in a few seconds he really calls. What is this? The phone can be on the table or in the pocket. It could be written to coincidence, but it happens too often.
- Powerful radiation before calling :) Just wear a foil cap so that you don't feel this radiation.
Start worrying when you’re guessing a caller or receiving a text message before you pick up the phone. and :)
What to do if it is?
Start sending SMS without a phone :)
By the way, it often happens. You go and think, “I need to call my mom.” And here’s my mom calling 😉
- Pff, this is a normal phenomenon for a portion of calls and SMS. When the phone came late in the evening, my mother called me. If the SMS on the day of the salary in turn all sitting in the office - the bank writes. If the SMS has two administrators at the same time - something fell and the SMS from monitoring. If a series of SMS from one of the administrators – generally #$@%#@$

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna