— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I am always scorned by the usual phrase in news about disasters or terrorist attacks:
"The number of victims (of such an incident) continues to increase". The first thought: "Do they get them there?". The second thought: “Didn’t the plane still crash, or is the explosion still rumbling?”
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Because people begin to die from wounds and injuries received not immediately, they can die within an hour, and can in 30 days in the hospital without coming to consciousness. If a person dies too late after the accident, according to some organizations, compensation may not be received.
Still, but "the number of victims continues to increase" usually refers to the number of identified victims. That is, babahnulo, rescuers scratch and take out the bodies. Someone thinks. Initially, two dead, two wounded, the fate of three hundred unknown, two hours later, 150 dead, two wounded, one died in the hospital, the fate of 149 unknown. And "the number of victims has increased" not by one who died in the hospital...

An anecdote is made.
The rescue work continues in the area of the fall of the two-seat delta plan on the city cemetery. At the moment, about a hundred bodies have been removed from the scene of the tragedy.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna