— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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to this:
In short, it turned out: the courier was given the wrong address and he went to the house 4a, and we at 4. Now imagine: he woke up a man there and began to demand a laptop from him. The man ask in confusion, he says, I will not! The courier said – we have agreed! I don’t know anything, I don’t give it and it’s all. The courier fell into a stupor, called me, and I sent him again to the same man, and he went back to pick up his note. I would like to see this picture.
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The water heater was repaired at another address. A grandfather and a grandmother come. They say the water heater needs to be repaired. You don’t understand it, but you have to fix it. They cleaned his money for work, took it and left. And after an hour, customers call why the repairmen didn’t come.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna