— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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What women want: He is a sporty body, but does not shake, because the cockroaches are dumb. He is intelligent and shares his opinion on all matters. He is brave and courageous, and never goes into a fight. He is strong and always willing to give in. He has high life goals: home and children, nothing more to be happy. He’s fun, he’s loved in companies he barely visits because she’s bored. I am sure that she is a faithful and wonderful wife, and if she accidentally changed, she is looking for a reason in herself. A good family member who has almost no contact with his relatives. I love the "Summer" He is courageous and harsh, spending all the time with children. She earns a lot, can break up at any time and take her where she needs to. By a sad look, he realizes that it is time to update the closet, enthusiastically goes shopping. A true leader, the “Stone Wall,” he predicts all her wishes, from a cup of tea, to a trip to the Seychelles.
How much can you write about your child?
"What men want" will come out in a separate post if allowed)

And the joke:
The husband returns from a business trip, looks into the closet, pulls out the lover from there and screams:
- How much you say, she is not here, I divorced!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna