— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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P. Pavlovsky is Paul. Katya's cat was playing with a whistle. Katya whispered a whistle. Zack whispered under the couch. Pavlik wanted to wood under the couch, put a hose there and put a whistle. Trapped a whistle in the center of the hose. Thou thou thou thou thou thou thou thou thou thou thou thou! Per...fucked from the whisper Pavlik, plunged the p...forests. Per... scorned Katya stronger than Pavlik, scratched into the kitchen and there together with the curtains and the curtain from under the ceiling to the floor. A pot with cactus along the way Zac...drinked and scattered the ground throughout the kitchen. Pavlik shouts: Katya, p...d...ras, I’m with the last eggs from...rvu! An hour passed. Lena came and...h... came. Katya sits on the sk...fu, in the distant corner of the...fighted, too much to mock is afraid. P. woods Pavlik floor with a terrible whistle. ...a little evil, dissatisfied, and on the head Pavlik has large headphones, plays in them d... bstep loudly. RJ T Lena.

Tasks of dictatorship:
1st Remove missed letters, numbers and smiles.
2nd Tell your words to your mom, neighbor and friends on Facebook.
Three Imagine yourself in the place of Pavlov. Tell me what you would do with the cat.
4 is Imagine yourself in the place of a cat. Tell us what you think about the owners who gave you the name Katya.
5 is Find out how to get a whistle from the tube and write to the editorial office, we will pass on to Pavlik.
6 is Live every day.

(c) from diary by jazzzmen

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna