— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Great Innocent is desperately mocking through the bread that has been spread, he is among the хтоnic ischadias, but he is not!! to

He is a boy!! Let it be fearless!! to

I understood, the minors were mourning and mocking the mat, they were attacked by babies. I was at the height of an epic confrontation of intellectuals.

Q&A  who is in charge?

Hard to say, but I’m a playboy.

Oh yeah yeah!! The Malaysians are worshipping!! to

XHH: The Bapks received reinforcements, they began to discuss the Soviet authority and paryadok. Everyone here has a rivalry of happiness.
I ask the Communist not to shield me ifjo!
An unexpected story story!! Babies are fighting! Three support Pukin, two want Stalin or Andropov, one likes Witchmedev, because he looks like her grandson Misha, and another has fallen asleep and therefore refrains.

V: 

HH: This is not all! The sleeping grandmother was awakened, she turned out to be a monarchist and a fan of Nicholas II.
Fuck, and here I am with the idea of enanthropy and cat-election!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna