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to this
How to meet after 30? Because if a woman over 30 is single, then most likely she is either a careerist, or she has some complexes in relationships with the opposite sex.
What a wonderful set of stamps. According to you, if you realized that you live with an irresponsible goat, then you need to "until death separates you" to try to live. And if you leave it, you will be a “carrierist” or “with complexes”.
And I’m more pleased that "carriers" is a negative quality. Dreams never to work - bad, sit on the neck, "All you grandmothers only need grandmothers". Working and earning - a careerist, bad. Men, what do you want? And it is not necessary here that it is extreme and you can work and not be a careerist. The original quote is just about the extreme "after 30 alone means a careerist".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna