— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I am also, for example, a “irresponsible goat” in the representation of my wife. Although I earn quite decent (right above the average on European standards), I do not consume alcohol at all, I run of course (due to my wife's chronic headache), but I was not suspected, so we will consider that I do not run. The only problem is that I work from home (french, in other words), and therefore in her representation, I have to take on all the homework, since I still sit at home.

With your wife, you understand.
But the question is, is it yours? The Masochist descendant?

PS and headaches in women hurt selectively, that is, not for all men.
And if the head hurts the husband constantly, then the husband is probably already wearing a branched ornament.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna