— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Not with humor:

Wild got tired of reading this already here, so "loving fools, "desperate girls" and others. There is such a thing – speech. With its help, you can non-real results. Remember the expressions: "Embrace me", "Kiss me"(you can indicate where to kiss), "I hurt", "Let me show you how I like it", "Smaller", "Faster/Slower", "Here is how", "Do not stop", "More", "I want (with indication of what you want)". You can also try different question options, such as "how do you like it?", "how do you like it?", "do you like it?(When you do something) "
As a rule, “foolish men” are able to understand the meaning of these expressions.

The guy whom the wife considers a goat.The tool "speech" is also applicable in your case. Your attitude to her is a reflection of her attitude to you, which in turn is a reflection of your attitude to her. If you are not a fool, break the chain and talk to the man (with his wife). I like it, I don’t like it, I offend it, I want it, I feel it, I don’t feel it. You can write a letter if you can talk face to face.
Sorry for the length, I had to write it. And now...

and humor:
A journal article that lists the mistakes that make a person feel sleepy all the time.
Mistake 8: You are a woman

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna