— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Geometry and Sexology:

I read your shit on the topic of the length of the member, and remembered this story. Once in the company with friends drank, well and talked about the length of the members... from these sizes the numbers from 14 to 17 centimeters sounded. And only one horse had all 25... After drinking more, the offer came to turn on the porn, and measure once again in the erected state. In all who named the sizes from 14 to 17 centimeters, the actual sizes were a maximum of a centimeter shorter. But at the "horse" the error was as much as 14 centimeters. Thus e. More than twice as many as 25...
How boring you are, peppers. You had to make a home video. Everyone would be broken. Women would recognize you not only in the face.

And an anecdote: A pathologist comes to work, and all the nurses, sanitarians, doctors run alarmed, and it is heard from all sides: Ivanov died... Ivanov died...
He comes to the morgue, really has a male corpse, and he has outstanding sizes of genitals. He did not hold on to a pathologist, decided to keep it for science, the man did not need it anymore, cut off all the beauty and spit. He wondered again, and it came to his mind to show this charm to his wife, so that she could know what wonders in nature happen.
When he came home, he got the bank and showed it to his wife. And she saw: "Oh, Ivanov is dead."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna