— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I put my 5 cm... that is, copecs. I am a woman, I had men with different members. Please do not read more Morphology.
I remember the giant - I didn't measure it, but it was more than 22 and thick. So, there was nothing to do with him, in fact, except to look, he didn't even get into his mouth. Sexual intercourse is always "on a half-pound", it was necessary to pick monotonous poses without deep penetration, otherwise before the orgasm he could involuntarily tick deeper, and this is very painful. Of course, there was no talk about anale.
There were also dwarfs - somewhere 8-10 cm, in the mouth talked like a finger, in the vagina was almost not felt, the anal could be done, but you want to do this occasionally and on this sexual life is difficult to build. After all, such a member can always be replaced by a finger, but the opposite will not work.
The most pleasant and versatile members - 12-17 cm, proportional, with them, as they say, in any hole you can.
So if you are in this range, be calm. Everyone else has their shortcomings...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna