— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Say to. I drove in the bus (big with harmony), the people moderate, we travel calmly, without traffic jams. In front of me is a 20-year-old guy, listening to the player, in the tact of music shakes his head. Everyone is calm, waiting for their stops. We stop at the red light, and here in the back of the bus someone enters, not to be strong, but to shake everyone... as they say - no one was injured. And here happens the following! This very guy, slightly rattled from the collision, stands up, looks around on the sides, takes the hammer, which hangs (if not shaken) in all the buses, and huts them on the glass 2 times! Glass in the clothes, the guy hangs the hammer on the spot, and comes to normal state – he listens to music, stirs his head... I look at the broken glass, next to him the factory sticker “In case of an accident to break the glass with a hammer”... And after all, he seems right...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna