— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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xxx: I played almost 2 months ago what to do?
YYY: A shorter guy, you are looking for a job, you are bragging for 5 days a week, and so about a year, you find a girlfriend, you bragging for another year, then a wedding-figured, well there and the children, you are taking a loan, you are taking / buying housing, you are making children, and at this rate another year two.When you are tired of bragging, there is a romance on the side, then the wife will arrange scandals / intrigues / investigations well you are briefly filing for divorce, paying alimony until the end of the days and don't forget to brag
(Alternative ending: copy the grandmother, and gather a group of young but ambitious programmers, make your social network Muchachos well and cut down on this billions and then go around the world on your yacht and shoot a biographical film (for my comment do not forget to shoot the scene))
In short, this is happiness and good!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna