— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There was a time when boys of vocational age went to work in the police to not serve in the army. We had two of them in one department. The chief of them was a woman in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel - a self-sufficient one. Knowing that the guys would not go anywhere, I washed as much as I could. But the patience of the boys broke, they wanted to move, but by the efforts of the boss, they were refused, and they filed a report for dismissal. At the time of the report for 6 months. The chief was out of herself, praying that she would take their personal affairs to the military commissariat. By the way, the Oblivienkomat was through two houses from our office.
They are sad and sad.
Do you think she will go to the military?
You can expect what you want from her...
1- And let's call there on behalf of the chief doctor of the fool, let's say that our sick man fled, thinks of himself as the head of the department, and so on.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna