— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I have three hundred pieces a month and I am deeply unhappy. And how can you, when you’re 25, be happy with life? Note that the “common people” are all the time attributed to mythical envy for the “work-loving and rich.” What does it come from? Yes, from the fact that some representatives of the middle class, especially in Moscow, having very good incomes, painfully envy their own employers... This is impossible: I didn’t have time to buy the fifth iPhone, and the sixth came out. How do you get the fifth person? Did you do things badly? Did you go anywhere in the summer? Did you go to Turkey and not to Nice? Something is wrong with you. You have been in the car for three years. A woman without a car. You are damaging.

Of course, it is a very tired life. When to the workshop of Peter Fomenko you need to go not because you like it, but because it is the workshop of Peter Fomenko. At the same time, it must, of course, cover a feeling of total unfreedom. Hence, these people and the screams about power are endless: they have absolutely no problems, and here you are turning, like a protein in a wheel, and you still do not have time... And one thing is happy - in the country tens of millions live worse than you. They must be jealous of you and they spit on you. How can you not cry out, “What are you doing, you poor butterflies?”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna