— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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(I was asked to break the first tooth-eight)

Sergey: So how are you?
And they didn’t break them out! He went in vain
Andrei: inspected, cut the gums, said that there is a strong inflammation, and you can not crack, otherwise the pus will pass onto the wound and into the epidermis. They said to rinse a bunch once a day, and on Saturday they will break out.
Andrei: I persuaded her, she is a nifiga, she says, you don’t want flux and blood contamination.
Sergey: herrrrrrrrrrrrasse
Andrei is out. I now imagine what the virgin is experiencing when the guy doesn’t get up, and he says, “Let’s try again on Saturday.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna