— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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One of the most mysterious things for me is the split washing buttons at the toilets. They are often found in public places.
The big button is big because it is responsible for the greater flow of water (and it has to be pressed when the bigger went down), or, on the contrary, it was made so that in more frequent operations - addressing the small need - people were more comfortable to press on it?
At the time of the hole-in-a-half there was no such difficulty :(
The two buttons are a symbol of democracy, as if saying that not everything is predetermined, and that you yourself, as a representative of modern democratic society, are free to decide the fate of your shit, namely the speed of its movement along the sewage waters.
However, as in any modern democracy, the details and mechanisms of how it works, no one understands but the main thing is what the concept is.

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