— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ]
What if he was with her as she was with him? “Lapuna, I’m wrapped up, and it’s not hard for you, run to the farm. Take a pack of self-cutting clamps, but not mahogany, but brown; take the double clamps number 14-15, a pack. Another five-millimeter drill on the barrel, packing clamps number 3, a little V-shaped attachments for the M8 facade with a gauge, a toothbrush with a protector, 225 mm. Do not forget 225! and all. A, yeah, and non-stringing headsets of any kind"

Tatiana N. Tolstoy

Go to "Claymer" The rest is understandable.
And the cabbage too.
Here I can not buy cosmetics, my knowledge is limited to waterproof and non-waterproof towel and the way to choose a mask in the tone of the lips. and Oops:
But let’s ask honestly: do I need it?

ZZZ: I don’t remember what my husband bought.
I come, there are such cool specialists, type.
And I, with a paper.
So yes, this set of letters makes no sense to me, but I was asked to ask you the question: HZNoNoNo and HZ NoNoNo you have? and :-)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna