— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ]
The Smart:
Oh guys...
to this:
- Hey, evaluate: the children's book "How the brave ruble of the clever dollar won"

Fuck it is fucking. "The Great Dollar"!!! to
I did not crap. There really is such a book. Author, beat yourself at the wall, cling to Rosenthal and never write anything again!! to

Learn the Russian language. In this case it is right. Character of the book "The Dutch Dollar". Who has won? The clever dollar.
An analogy is "a powerful enemy". Who has won? A powerful enemy.

In fact, if we judge quite strictly, the verb "to win" demands the question "who? what?", because it runs the guilty fall. The dollar is "what", an unanimated object. Therefore, it would be right to "defeat the clever dollar".
There is, again, one "but": a stylistic approach of enthusiasm. If in the author’s story, the ruble and the dollar are real, live characters, then the wording of “beaten the clever dollar” becomes possible and justified.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna