— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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xxx> See also There are those who have not digested meat since childhood. Some of them were brought up by their parents as vegetarians. Those who just do not quietly eat it, giving up in conscious age for ideological considerations. Because meat is expensive.
yyy> Yes
xxx> There are those who worship about their vetarianism for and without. Those who think he’s not being taken to special forces because he doesn’t eat meat, not because he runs a hundred feet 17 seconds.
yyy> It is...
There are those who believe that the absence of meat in the diet is an absolute evil, undermining the foundations and the destruction of the body, and on this basis calls for the forcible feeding of meat of all vegetarians. Those who believe that meat in the diet is the personal choice of everyone. And aggressive vegans, ready to seem to break their own principle and personally eat everyone who eats animals. And to them all the sensible attitude will be very different, right?
yyy> Yes So what?
xxx> Now you understand why I avoid gays that usually offer simple solutions?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna