— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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If a group of “academics” assumes the aversion to establish for language some norm (whether it’s a ban on “placing” or an exclusion from the language of native words or an intermediate for “coffee”), and the people massively attach the male genital organ to this norm, then it’s not the people who are stupid, it’s the “academics” who have played their role: their task is not to manage the language, but to study. If most native speakers regularly use the word "put" in their speech, "academics" can only push their ambitions deeper and include that word in the dictionary.
What you are proposing is called cultivation. The school remembered that before "what" it is appropriate to put a pencil (but not always) - well let's change the rules under them. "A, what I could have done" is a brilliant example of this. And then you "will" and so on. Humor from the TV screen. If in the next series of speed series ten times did not say "sex", the series is unsuccessful. Because others are not there. Destruction of illiteracy is one of the weapons by which a country is pushed to spy. Nearer and closer, and people like you help it. If Pushkin could have invented Lukomorie, then those like you are only capable of "lower" and "winning".

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