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The Royal Games

I generally dusted under my bed here in the country today and stumbled upon my old, faithful samurai – the Panasonic video magnetophone.
How much did he serve me in faith and truth? Probably fifteen years. He is now ready for battle, but for a long time I have no cassette for him, and my hand does not raise to get rid of the old man. He earned himself a quiet old age. Okay, let him rest.
I remembered the day we met at VNDH.
It was in the early 1990s, in the winter.
I was hungry but happy, after exhausting wanderings and pricing, I saw it in the cheapest place, pulled out 400 backs and said:

Take it, let’s check it out.

The merchants stumbled, ran to the neighboring barracks for a cassette, pulled the wires, turned on – the cassette turned out to be a porn:

– I’m wildly sorry, but you see – everything works, here’s the stop of the frame, here’s the twist. We will not check the recording, the cassette is foreign. What about packing?
and pack.

I lived then in the town of Railroad with the grandmother of Lydda, a fun mother-in-law of the sixties, with eternal whitening in her teeth.
I ran into my room and unclothed unpacked my goods. I connected and began to patiently wait for two hours until the unit warms up from the frost. I have suffered.
I pull the cassette, and it doesn’t pull...What hell? Has it broken? Oh, that’s what, the merchants were so in a hurry that they forgot their porn inside.
There, Grandma Lida looked into the room and asked:

“Son, you don’t have a program accidentally, or am I going somewhere about it?” I found the glasses, and the program about... I want to know - to wait for me today in Russia - these, like them, hell? Or will it no longer be?

And it must be said that the main passion of Lida's grandmother were television series.
She was watching them all, and the whole house was crumbling as she stood on my face:

What a fool you are! You apologize to me, son, for being straight, but you are ugly! How can a second series be broadcast on another channel? What, is it hard to let people check out at first and only then show on TVC? The cattle!! The most real!

And Grandma Lida demonstrately knocked on the door of my room.
But let’s go back to that first day of my life...

“No, grandmother Lida, no, I don’t buy the program, I see what it takes.
Okay, I’ll go like that.

So I decided to slander:

Weather, Lida, sit here in the chair, let’s see the new series with you, now there will be the first series. Something about love, I don’t remember.
Grandma Lida pleased to spit in the chair, and in order not to miss a single picture, she sent me to the kitchen for the ashes.
The porn turned out to be with a disgusting Russian translation and a rushed approach to the main occupation.
About old life, with pearls, carriages and lush dresses. It looked like horses, but at first they were just horses.
The series series. And the name is neutral – The Royal Games.
It was not a pity that I had a video camera then, or I would make a movie about how Lida’s grandmother grew up watching the TV.
In the beginning, everything went well, Grandma Lida even commented:
I like the series when everything is beautiful and old. Behold, this is a clever man, apparently the chief evildoer, you will see, he will drink after all the boxes. And this healthy, look, look, as he looks at the barrel, so he eats it with his eyelids. And the girlfriend, Fifa, also builds his eyes. Oh... Oh, no... to yourself! Have you seen it, have you seen it? Fuck, she would have removed the cowards! and E! No... to yourself! Well, they’re all about...Lee? Well, that’s a p... Let’s go with the series! How is it? What is it?! They show up! Where is the director of the film studio? It is shameful!! Give me a screenshot!

Shaken grandmother Lida stood up and poured ashes on the carpet, solemnly left the room.

Two weeks have passed.
I had breakfast in the kitchen.
Grandmother Lida entered with the newspaper, smoked, spoke about the weather, about the prices of sugar, about it, and then, as if unknowingly, carefully changing the subject, opened the program, wrapped her glasses from her forehead, hanged with a bite of a pencil over the newspaper and trying not to give excitement in the voice and trembling in her hands, asked:

“Son, what program do you say the Royal Games are going on? Or I click on something, click on it and I can't find it.

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