— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Ten years later, they decided to gather the school class, all found, only we can't find Leah, went to the army and somewhere there remained, and we with him in the same party-friends, I was instructed to search, all broke up, but found, far in the North, I call, I tell everything, who, where, when, and he asks about Nadjuha, married, not. I myself do not know exactly how I divorced, such a beautiful lady studied with us, I remember trying to take care of the poor, but they had some quarrels, both with character, it should be noted that Lecha was a balamute, an inventor, in general, it didn't work with them.and here Lecha surprised me again:-Tell everyone that I am in the North, in the zone, in the forest, i.e. I can’t show up for that reason, if you’re my friend, swear that you’ll do that. Well, I explained it to everyone - I can't explain Lech, he works in the woods, he happened to me by chance, maybe with anything like this... They gathered in class, hugs, and what it became! and all that... and Nadjuha saw such a lady, I am talking about Leha, and I look at her eyes, she is about to cry, well, I stumbled. Of course, for each one let us drink, remember, and Loha remembered, his jokes, and Nadjuha again burdened, but holds, and sings and dances with everyone, and then this happened! With a clear military step to our table goes a slim naval officer in a white parade shape, a gold drive, a garment, behind him roll a cart with a large cake and a bunch of flowers:
Alexis arrived to celebrate the anniversary! and silence... and in this silence a woman’s voice:
I knew...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna