— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In front of me is a box with a hundred living mice. From small hairy blinds to quite adults and large ones will smoke.
YYY: I already have at least 6 genius ideas for their application.
ZZZ: Are they still alive? They don’t bite the carton box.
Three days... what to bite?
Kkk: They only trick and feed with their feet
Zzzz: but they need to eat something.
XXX: They don’t have to eat anything. They will all die tonight.
KKK: What about today?
Because almost everyone goes to the freezer. And especially large individuals I will cut in pieces and give the sauce.
CCC: Has anyone advised him to have a grandmother?
ZZZ : Ugo
Zzz: even when he was just going to start a frog :)
XXX: It doesn’t go into the freezer.
Zzzz: how to cut it

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna