— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The castrated rhino

Remember: a raspberry jacket, shaved skull, chains, rings and so on.
This is the house where my friends lived.
And we have to say that the windows of them went out into the yard-barracks (who lived in the old areas - knows). The acoustics in these courts are better than in the conservatory.
And here, coming at night on his "Cheroki", this hmo, switching on the receiver to full volume and opening the doors in the car, raised the whole house on its feet. Exhortations and warnings in response provoked flows of mate and threats to drive everyone into the asphalt.
And then one morning in the courtyard there was a roar of a castrated rhinoceros. His favourite jeep was pierced from top to bottom through a wooden crash with a bound, for stabilization of flight, a meth. The house is on 9 floors, so the break even got a little into the ground. The search for the thief led to nothing, and in the courtyard at night it became quiet.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna