— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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They say, the needle in the seed. Others will be burned. I will tell you the truth who thinks so. In the first stack of seed, it is approximately 5 copens. Comp size of two human heights, or even three. Up to 6-8 meters wide. So here. If you burn a pebble, there will be not much less than 1/4 of its mixture of unburnt seed and ashes, because it cannot burn completely because of the lack of air, multiply by 5, and then wait for three or four days until what has not burned will finally fade away, because there is still a little fire. Dampening this mixture is also difficult. How do I know this... I think I still have my ass from the army belt hurt since childhood. I burned a piece of seed :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna