— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I answer.
This is the case.....
If a student girl sells herself to an old crocodile because she wants to eat, is she crazy? Do you know what the scholarships are? And what do foreign girls eat who don’t even get enough of this scholarship for notebooks? We have such an education now that teachers on the panel are ready, not that students... Shame should be for men who buy a fresh body cheaply. But they are not ashamed, they are incredibly cool and generally nice. And the girl, yes, she has to eat, not the flowers.
This is the case.....
Yes is foolish.
Here they already proposed to conduct an experiment, I remind you: offer such a student, for the same price to wash dishes, wipe the floor - do homework and look at her reaction. Not very qualified work, not requiring a lot of time yet to be, pay really not a lot, but to eat - enough - tested by those who did not go to prostitutes.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna