— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I read about hungry students.
In the university, I studied in the morning and in the afternoon, and worked in the evenings and weekends. If I had to do home tasks or prepare for the exam - I cut off from sleep. I slept for 4 hours a day, learned to sleep standing in the subway, of course, no parties, walks or alcohol. But I didn’t allow myself to take a penny from potential sponsors because, shit, I’m proud. Nothing, learned 10 years ago as, the real personal life began after school. I don’t need any medal, but if you’re willing to prostitute for food or money, it’s just your personal choice, and you don’t have to be offended by the truth.
Professional prostitutes, you know, don’t work out of a good life on the track either, but that doesn’t make them someone else.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna