— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A few of my own conclusions on the subject of who should take the first step. This is by no means a guide to action – just read and think.

-First, as a rule, the first step is taken by the guys themselves who are simply "hearted" to fuck. Very often, these are the ones that later turn out to be m*daks;
Secondly, the guys who do not show initiative often get very rare and valuable copies.
Third, often for a single girl, communication with a guy has no deep meaning: a girl can communicate with a guy simply in a friendly way.
Fourth, a lonely guy who communicates with a girl most often thinks they are in a relationship.

From here conclusions:

First, girls looking for normal guys, it is desirable to pay attention to those of them who just calmly communicate with them and treat them with sympathy;
Secondly, these guys don’t take the first step, because their life experience has taught them that most girls communicate with them as friends and no more.
Third, these guys won’t "wipe their legs" about a girl who has shown initiative.

I’m not saying that girls should take the initiative altogether—oh, no. But communicate with. Spend a few days just communicating. Communication will help you determine whether the person is adequate or not. Find the common "point of contact". And the convergence will unnoticedly happen on its own, you will not notice how easy and simple it all worked out.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna