— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My mom and aunt came to visit. They sit and love the choir - what a lovely child our Yaroslav. We decided to have fun – but let’s paint it? No matter what to paint. They drew a shipyard, a machine, an airplane, a bowl with something terrible and brains in the ice cream. Let’s draw a cat. Let us paint. The child looked at the efforts of the artists, scorned the face and said - cats are drawn wrong. How do cats paint, sunshine? Is the grandmother and the second grandmother?
This is so!
The child pulls out the cat 1 from under the couch, presses his knee to the floor and circles the cat's contour. Just like the police, ah.
Grandma and grandmother fshoke - this way of drawing a cat for them is clearly new.
The cat is stoic - he is accustomed.
Daddy is rushing.
The child looks at the picture and says – you need to draw the ears.
Unwise, cat 1 is a whisper, he has no ears.
The child catches under the bath cat-2, presses his knee to the contour from cat-1, surrounds his ears.
What a cat! The child rejoices.
Grandmother of Fuchsia.
The Cat 2 Fuchs.
Daddy is rushing.
Mother is ashamed.
I wonder, what if the heir wants to paint a man?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna