— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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To all those who were borrowed by grandmothers, queens and taxi drivers. Read about Elfing – A wonderful thing, I’ll tell you. I started practicing myself - fun tons. I give an example:
The tram stop. The Winter. It is cold. A drunk man comes out of the tram (it is not a buchy, not a bomb, but of normal appearance, but slightly subdued)... It slides and falls. And next to the pre-freezing bubbling (every day with somebody grumbling) begins the tirade with the words "which you, the dumb man, are not standing on your feet! " and gains a full chest of air for further sinking the drunkard. What a man, giving up:
“Yes, grandmother, what a horror! A drunk pig. It’s not 10 o’clock in the morning, but it’s already opened. Shit what I am! It is shameful! cannot be so! What a man he went!" And smiling away...
The honest word. I thought Grandma, until she came up to say that, would sink.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna