— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Have you ever seen a gaishnik pointing his thumb up to the driver? And I saw...

He showed it to me personally. My own story:
Sergey Posad of the Moscow region.
I leave the supermarket. 21241 hunting and fishing machine. Other active rest. I just came out of the forest, not even having time to wash. Dive into the stream is not possible. I see a small gap between a certain jigoloon and the following geylenvagen (in general, a certain mrs off-road). I dive into this interval and don’t have time to press the emergency button to thank / apologize, as Merin sharply rebuilds to the left, ahead of me and sharply drive to the right... brutally cuts, in general.
I fly to the square. This place is in front of the OVD. There is always a haiku. But the man from Merina apparently did not know.
He falls out of his "jeep" and comes to me. in the hand. The collective farmer apparently wanted to learn how to do so that such important Moscow guests would always be missed and respected!
The colloquial (in my face) got a tail-column from the rear seat and came out to meet Moskal. For the first time in my life, I saw a pedestrian making a police raid!
The man snapped into the merine and fell down. I also got into my box and started to keep my way home.
The haishnogo who watched this picture cramped crushingly in his voice and pulled his thumb up.


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna