— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This is just the beginning!
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I am a student. I had to make a youth card in the bank. In honor of the 21st century, you can write a statement via the Internet. I wrote and left contacts. All the works. Technical issues: "We will contact you. We will do it in a month". A month has passed. I call on the mountain line, say, you is a daz (What is das)? There was nothing, we know nothing, create a new one. Oh, and I’m writing for the second time. Again a month of waiting, the call did not pass. I come to the bank with a passport, in 10 minutes my aunt hangs the system in the window, I go to another, in 5 minutes and she hangs the system. I go. At home, I apply for the third time, at the end I attribute (and you’ll understand, I’m a very polite person...I’ve always been...until that moment) "Fuck it already! Please answer me at last!" in the trail. One day a girl from the bank calls and reports that my card request has passed, and in 2 weeks I can pick it up (!After 5 minutes again calls and reports that I already ordered the card 2 months back and she has been waiting for me since September (!). There is no scene.
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In a month you will find that your card has been blocked because a new card has been issued on your name! And again in a month! :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna