— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Notes are just a way of recording. And they were developed by a community of musicians, not a single person. This process took several centuries. Listen only to those who publish their works. Someone pays and hears what he wants. Read the history of music. Try to create something yourself.
Using this opportunity, I would like to thank Cyril and Methodius for the kindly submitted letters.
Creating yourself, you say? I have a few songs. Some wrote 20 years ago, others recently. And you know, they sing. I do not mind. And authors usually do not object to the publication of their creations. They oppose betrayal. They sign contracts with authors, dictate conditions.

The Japanese are good at this. AMV is essentially video piracy (and often music), but the creators of the anime do not object. For a very simple reason: if an anime is made a clip, it contributes to the growth of the popularity of the anime. The Japanese do not fight for every yen, but the profitability of their projects is scaling. Even in Soviet times, it was calculated: to get a ruble of profit, the Japanese spend 15-20 kopecks, and in the USSR at the time spent 97-98 kopecks. And if the Japanese believe that it is unprofitable and more effective to start the process of piracy, organize it and remove the cream from the fans - then may it be so?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna