— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Remember the appearance is the most important thing. Yes, if you are a moral fool for a long time, you will not have girls, but they will have you. If you’re just ugly, you won’t even have a "simply jerk".

Boy, it’s not all so clear. Of course, appearance means a lot (instincts, hole), but have you never seen girls with steep guys? And they are.
In school and at the academy, I had the nickname "Goblin" - believe me, there is no joy in the mirror. But the girls were, and in the fourth grade I married the most beautiful girl of the group, to which I was locked when I heard her phrase to a friend (she thought I didn’t hear) "How someone meets him I don’t understand!".
You just don’t look at the girl through the eyes of a hungry puppy – the girl (even if she herself wants the cowards to burn up) doesn’t feel pleasant to be a piece of meat on which only some steep cake has stumbled out to finally squeeze somewhere. Teach yourself to stay clean, clean, beautifully dressed, pleasantly smelling. Develop the skills of communication, do not sit at home, go to the company, look at the behavior of the "successful" and analyze what you can repeat successfully. Learn to play guitar, create a successful rock band, write poems and songs. Buy a camera and learn to photograph at least minimally easily, arrange free new photo sessions. In general, if you decide to get seriously out because of a comp with a collection of porn - it will all be.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna