— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Added to the Grammarnacy,
Stop all of your classics. The school program, you will know, has variations because there is not enough time for everything. Therefore, somebody is passing through the Thunder, and somebody is a Homeless. Bulgakov is also divided: who is Master and Margarita, and who is Dog Heart. And don’t have to go here, about read – did not read. In the summer reading list, of course, there are all the works, but first - who has read them all? Second, who remembers them all? If they did not chew up in the classroom, then most likely the names did not delay.
In general, forcing 14-15-year-olds to read classics is a wasted waste of time.
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The problem is that the one who did not read started out. Instead of assuming that he does not know something, he was upset by the number of likes, plunged to the mummy, and believed himself, for the sake of heaven, to be offgenically erudited. And in general, I will reveal to you the secret - you can read not only in school and not only the program. It was unexpected, right? And classics are taught in school (and not passed!To generally instill children a useful reading skill and broaden their horizons. If you could read, it would be easier for everyone. You would understand with whom the quarrel began, and TS understood that a few similar letters were not enough to recognize the characters as identical, and even would admit the existence of books besides those two that he had owned himself.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna