— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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All of these "super-popper initiatives" like: reduce the share of workers,
reorganizing production, carrying out restructuring, introducing new rules
Labour, ISO certification, monthly audits and other lies occur on the initiative - suddenly - of the managing organization, which again
suddenly moved from Tyumen to Moscow. Coming with the Commissions
efficient managers, jumping into the 50-degree frost from the cabin
The aircraft in the Land Cruiser salon, they say "and it is not cold here even without a hat.
One of those, who came in the composition of the next commission, looked up and issued: "a
Where do you have the product warehouse here?" At the power plant, ah. He thought he was brought to a refinery. These eagles ride around the country.
They get for their harm unhealthy grandmothers and they are generally offended by what they are doing.
The enterprise. Yes, they are from Moscow. I'm curious where this is in the light.
has appeared. But the refinance was forced to throw out in the wash, they introduced terribly.
convenient system for accounting for nails and gauges and reduced specialists. "Excessive" by
their understanding. I don’t like the Moscovites. And the prizes, by the way, they get. And our company, introduced by them as part of the losses OGK-2,
does not receive the prize. And yes, they get it. I wonder "what are you here for?
How to spend money?"
– – – – –
A similar picture. by Kirov. and Dorothy. Change of General. had to leave.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna